How To Write
Reusable Code

Greg Ward <>
PyCon 2015
Montreal, QC • Apr 11, 2015

Who remembers the 90s?

Oops, sorry, wrong 90s

Honestly, you didn't miss much

mostly clueless pontificators claiming that object-oriented programming would magically usher in an era of reusable component software

...15 years pass...


"Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons." *

* don't ask: it's a Java thing

OOP was not a silver bullet

How to write reusable code?

If I can do it, you can do it

Caveat: is reusability important?

Principles of Reusable Code

  1. be a better programmer
  2. fewer classes, more functions
  3. functions ≠ procedures (aka, beware side effects)
  4. fewer frameworks, more libraries
  5. don't go overboard
  6. don't solve everything
  7. test, test, test
  8. document, document, document
  9. extensibility ≠ reusability

1. Be a better programmer

2. Fewer classes, more functions

Anti-pattern #1

Code smells:

class ThingLoader:
    def __init__(self, host, id): = host = id

    def load(self):
        # connect to
        # load thing identified by

A better way

def load_thing(host, id):
    # connect to host
    # load thing identified by id

Tip o' the hat to Jack Diederich:

Anti-pattern #2

def is_draft(conn, article_id):
    '''return true if the specified article is unpublished'''

def is_published(conn, article_id):
    '''return true if the specified article is published'''

def load_article(conn, article_id):
    '''load article from database over conn, returning body'''

def save_article(conn, article_id, body):
    '''write article to database over conn'''

A better way

class ArticleStore(object)
    def __init__(self, conn):
        self.conn = conn

    def is_draft(self, article_id):
        '''return true if the specified article is unpublished'''

    def is_published(self, article_id):
        '''return true if the specified article is published'''

    def load_article(self, article_id):
        '''load article from database, returning body'''

    def save_article(self, article_id, body):
        '''write article to database'''

3. Functions ≠ procedures

Anti-pattern #3

 * Replace all 'e' characters in str with 'E'. Return the number of
 * characters replaced.
int strmunge(string str) {

It's not just C programmers

def get_foo(self, foo=None):
    '''Query the server for foo values.
    Return a dict mapping hostname to foo value.

    foo must be a dict or None; if supplied, the
    foo values will additionally be stored there
    by hostname, and foo will be returned instead
    of a new dict.
(spotted in a real-life code review, Apr 2015)

A better way

 * Return newstr, a copy of str with all 'e' characters replaced
 * by 'E', and nreplaced, the number of characters replaced.
(string, int) strmunge (string str) {

(assume a language with multiple return values)

def get_foo(self):
    '''Query the server for foo values.
    Return a dict mapping hostname to foo value.

4. Fewer frameworks, more libraries

5. Don't go overboard

6. Don't solve everything

7. Test, test, test

8. Document, document, document

9. Extensibility ≠ reusability


References & links

